Not all Bibles are based upon the same Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts; so what is the most reliable Bible and why? The quest to answer this critical question launched an investigation resulting in the creation of The Torchbearer Series.

Early Torchbearer Christians were to carry and preserve the truth of God’s Word, and impart the Torch of knowledge, information, and truth to others; even when it often resulted in their suffering or death.

It is through these vilified and persecuted Early Torchbearer Christian groups known as the Waldenses, Albigenses, Leonists, Cathari, Puritans, Piphles, Patarines, Lollards, Valdensian Christians, etc. that will enable us to answer many important questions, including the question that launched the series.

About the Series: This free three-part audio/video Bible lecture series is the result of thousands of hours of research, which includes supplemental lecture notes, charts, diagrams, and around 700 references. All of which is free! We have a great desire to share this crucial knowledge with anyone seeking it, regardless of their financial situation.

If you have an interest in volunteering time or donating money to extend our reach, please see the Volunteering & Donations section below.

The goal of this series is to dramatically increase your faith, trust, and love for God and his ways, whether you are a minister and know a great deal about the Bible, or a new budding Christian.

This series can be accessed and downloaded in several different ways, and the material can be republished and used for your own purposes according to the Creative Commons license agreement. (Download the Copyright Notice File for details.) The series is available from two different primary websites, TheTorchbearerSeries.com and TorchbearerSeries.com, which are hosted in two different countries.

Page Briefings are packed full of valuable quick reference information on a single or double-sided page, with many also containing references to additional resources. New Page Briefings (PBs) can be accessed within the top left dropdown menu on this website or click here. If the PB is part of the core three-part lecture series, then they are also updated within the core series (see below). Click here to see recommended PBs for you.

Books that The Torchbearer Series has published are available in paperback, hardcover, eBook, and audiobook formats, which include remastered old rare books. The Books section can be accessed within the top left dropdown menu on this website. In the past, we have also published 12 Month Biblical Calendars.

Watch ‘How-to navigate within Lectures and Page Briefings (PBs)’ through one of the following video streaming providers (remember to thumbs up the video, subscribe to the channel, and share it with others if you like it): YouTube | BitChute | Brighteon | Rumble | Archive Be Advised: Navigating beyond our linked channels within freedom of speech video streaming websites may expose you to unwanted non-Christian content.
Download all the Supplemental Lecture Notes through one of the following download providers: Mega.nz | pCloud.com | MediaFire.com | Archive.org Or view individual lecture notes by clicking: Lecture1, Lecture2, Lecture3. You can also purchase paperback or eBook versions of The Torchbearer Series core lectures.
Download all the individual Charts and Diagrams, which includes more than what is depicted here, through one of the following download providers (or click here to download an individual PB)(last updated 3/12/2024): Mega.nz | pCloud.com | MediaFire.com | Archive.org
Download the Authorized King James Bible (Cambridge-type) in multiple formats (EPUB, MOBI, DOC, PDF), plus extras, through one of the following download providers: Mega.nz | pCloud.com | MediaFire.com | Archive.org
Download the full Copyright Notice File through one of the following download providers: Mega.nz | pCloud.com | MediaFire.com | Archive.org
Download the entire 'Torchbearer Download Package'. If you don’t want to stream the video and prefer to download the whole series, or you want to repost the content, then this option is for you. The single very large compressed file called TorchbearerDownloadPackage.zip contains the core Audio/Video Lectures in MP4 format, the Supplemental Lecture Notes, individual Charts and Diagrams, a copy of the Authorized King James Bible (Cambridge-type) plus extras, and the Copyright Notice File, which contains further instruction on how you can use this content (last update on 6/10/2022): Mega.nz | pCloud.com | MediaFire.com | Archive.org

Torchbearer Series Certificates (now available) & Certifications

As of May, 16th 2021 The Torchbearer Series is offering certificate-of-completion courses:

Udemy no longer allows free extended-length classes, so all certificate-of-completion courses that we offer through Udemy are paid courses. Free non-certificate lecture versions of the same core material will always be available. Paid courses are intended for those who want to contribute financially or to show others they have core knowledge of this important material. If at some point we can fund courses through Myicourse.com, or a similar online learning system, we will then offer full-certification courses including a list of colleges that accept the transferable course credits. As of right now, you will need to ask the college how many credits they will award you based upon the Udemy courses and quizzes you have passed.

Biblical Calendars: Containing God’s Seven High Holy Feasts and More

For a time, we were publishing physical hard-copy paper calendars which contained God’s Seven High Holy Feasts, King James Version (KJV) Bible Quotes, 'Did You Know' Bible sections, USA Federal Holidays, Phases of the moon, Solar events, Unique images for each month, and Appendix sections containing additional information. We have since discontinued our calendars, but you may purchase a similar calendar from an unaffiliated organization called Galilee Calendars Ltd, which is located in Israel.

Email Updates: Fast-Free-Secure

Get notified when new content is available. We will never sell or provide your contact information to anyone! Subscribing and unsubscribing is fast, free, and secure. Just send an email to TheTorchbearerSeries@protonmail.com from the email account you want subscribed with the subject line SUBSCRIBE. If you later change your mind, put UNSUBSCRIBE as the subject line. You can also click on either of the previous links to popup an email. Simple and hassle-free! (Powered by: Proton.me.)

Chat: Fast-Free-Secure

Live Group Chat every 7th day at 7p.m. EST: Join us and others every Saturday the Sabbath at 7p.m. EST for live group discussions on a variety of topics. The discussion platform we use will translate between eleven other languages besides English during live chat. Please send us an email with the subject line ‘Chat’ and ask for details on how to join.

Easy Volunteering & Donations

Volunteering: You can make a difference! Please contact us about volunteer opportunities from the comfort of your home. We currently need volunteers to share this content to social media, and individuals who can re-post this content to Christian websites. Informational business cards can be downloaded (Front) & (Back), and then upload to VistaPrint to order and then handed out.
Reoccurring monthly donations: Can be made through Patreon.
Non-reoccuring donations: Can be made through Paypal to TheTorchbearerSeries@protonmail.com. As another means to donate, you can purchase a paperback or eBook version of the same free content, or also enroll in the online Udemy training course.
Donations will be used for the following purposes: 1) To keep the lights on and provide for the daily needs of our family. 2) To expand the content. 3) To reach more people by funding better communication capabilities. 4) To cover the cost of providing free certification and transcripts to everyone.

Because the most accurate Bibles and information about the lineage of those Bibles are being restricted in more and more countries, we strongly encourage everyone to copy and disseminate our content (in accordance with the simple rules set forth in the Copyright Notice File). It is very important to get this information into the hands of those who are seeking answers, so they may have stronger faith, trust, and love for our beloved Lord Jesus Christ! If you are a non-worldly uncompromising pastor, always be prepared to move your church to diversified house churches if needed. If you are not a pastor, consider creating, coordinating, and facilitating your own home-fellowship or Internet-based church. (see the How-to area for details)